
Cannot overwrite default views in ModelAdmin2 subclasses

tyrion opened this issue · 0 comments

I have an admin2.py file that looks like this:

import djadmin2
from djadmin2 import views

from .models import MyModel

class CustomView(views.ModelAddFormView):

    def get(self, *args, **kwargs):
        raise Exception("we don't get here")

class MyModelAdmin(djadmin2.ModelAdmin2):

    create_view = views.AdminView(r'^create/$', CustomView, name='create')
    custom_view = views.AdminView(r'^custom/$', CustomView, name='custom')

djadmin2.default.register(MyModel, MyModelAdmin)

Trying to add a new "MyModel" does not trigger the exception.
Going to "custom/" instead seems to work.

I think this is because in self.views there are all the views of djadmin2.ModelAdmin2 and so my "create_view" won't get matched because there is already djadmin2.ModelAdmin2 declared before.