
<frozen importlib._bootstrap>:1049: ImportWarning: ConfigurationImporter.find_spec() not found; falling back to find_module()

rrauenza opened this issue · 4 comments

I'm upgrading my project to python 3.11.3 and one of the things I am seeing is this deprecation warning --

Is this something the team is already aware of? Am I right to assume its a warning with your project and not mine?

This may have been introduced with 3.10?

Starting in this release, there will be a concerted effort to begin cleaning up old import semantics that were kept for Python 2.7 compatibility. Specifically, find_loader()/find_module() (superseded by find_spec()), load_module() (superseded by exec_module()), module_repr() (which the import system takes care of for you), the package attribute (superseded by spec.parent), the loader attribute (superseded by spec.loader), and the cached attribute (superseded by spec.cached) will slowly be removed (as well as other classes and methods in importlib). ImportWarning and/or DeprecationWarning will be raised as appropriate to help identify code which needs updating during this transition.

See also:

gump commented

This is just awaiting a release to PyPI and was resolved in #365

@rrauenza version 2.5 has been released. Can you confirm that this issue can be closed?

yes, thank you!!