
FieldTracker broken in 4.1.1

resurrexi opened this issue · 2 comments


It seems like FieldTracker isn't able to detect changes on a field anymore. I'm not sure if it's because there were changes made to its implementation that prevents it from observing a field's change state when the field's model instance is being saved.

What I would do is override the model's save method and add a "post-save hook" where I check if the field has changed, and if so, then I'll run some additional logic.

Let's take for example, I have an Employee model that's tied to an extended auth user model. If an employee is activated/deactivated, I would like the employee's associated user profile to also be activated/deactivated.

class Employee(models.Model):
    is_active = models.BooleanField(default=True)
    field_tracker = FieldTracker(fields=["is_active"])

    def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().save(*args, **kwargs)

        # post-save
        if self.field_tracker.has_changed("is_active"):

This post-save logic would previously work on django-model-utils==4.0.0, as my unit test would pass:

class EmployeeModelTest(TestCase):
    def test_employee_active_flag_updates_login_account_active(self):
        # prep data
        employee = EmployeeFactory.create()
        user = ProfileFactory.create(employee_profile=employee)

        # first ensure user is active
        employee.is_active = False

        # user should also now be deactivated
        self.assertFalse(user.is_active)  # fails here

For completeness (to rule out factoryboy), I also did a manual test, where I would log into django admin to deactivate the employee. The employee's associated user account still wouldn't deactivate.


  • Django Model Utils version: 4.1.1
  • Django version: 2.2.22
  • Python version: 3.8.3
  • Other libraries used, if any: factory-boy==2.12.0 for testing

Relates to #404

Before 4.1 this code will behave like this:

    super().save() start
      save_base() start
        pre_save signal handling
        db insert/update
        post_save signal handling
      save_base() finish
    super().save() finish
    if has_changed:

New implementation moves reset_tracker_state to earlier stage

  super().save() start
      save_base() start
        pre_save signal handling
        db insert/update
        post_save signal handling
      save_base() finish
  super().save() finish
if has_changed:

You may check "changed" before super().save or use signals.

Ok. Thanks for clarifying the order of where the reset state is executed. I want to avoid using signals as much as possible so I'll just move the check before the super().save call.