
Code owners file in repositories

aleksihakli opened this issue · 3 comments

Would Jazzband as a whole benefit from having .github/CODEOWNERS files defined for projects and should they be in the default checklists?

Refer to the discussion at:

Following my reply to @atugushev's discussion this will first require that all project get an own team. See the other TODO items I've posted there.

I'm against adding more teams for individual roles like per-project-reviewers as it increases the barriers of entry again and that conflicts with the core Jazzband concept. Every Jazzband member should be able and be encouraged to do reviews of all projects and we should not implement features that creates factions.

As such it makes sense to automatically add the per-project teams in the CODEOWNERS file since that's something we can easily explains to members as a reason to join a project team: ~"Join the project team to automatically receive code review requests by default.".

GitHub recently has deployed team settings for code review. That looks interesting:


More details here.