
CSV file in video corpus missing

Closed this issue · 9 comments

There doesn't seem to be a CSV file in Microsoft Video Description Corpus. I downloaded the MSI and there are a number of files in it, none appear to be CSV. Is it one of the included files?
screen shot 2015-12-28 at 4 06 34 pm

Hi. Did you try to install the .MSI file under ms windows environment? Seems like you opened the .MSI file from other OS system.

no, i opened it in Mac OS and it simply unzipped the files. is there another way to obtain the file?

yes that would be great if you could make it available. perhaps storing it online somewhere (like archive.org) would be useful for others.

if anyone else is having trouble finding this file, feel free to email me and i can send it.


would you like sent a copy to me? thanks


Hi genekogan.
would you like send me a copy?
because I use mac, I cannot open .msi file.


@fodrh1201 @andyyuan78 and for anyone else, the corpus can be downloaded here:

Also some of the Microsoft Video Description Corpus clips are not available on youtube anymore but here's the full archive:
https://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/ml/clamp/videoDescription/YouTubeClips.tar (1.7GB)
from https://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/ml/clamp/videoDescription/#data.

@genekogan Thank you very much!