cve-schema specifies the CVE JSON record format. This is the blueprint for a rich set of JSON data that can be submitted by CVE Numbering Authorities (CNAs) and Authorized Data Publishers (ADPs) to describe a CVE record. Some examples of CVE record data include CVE ID number, affected product(s), affected version(s), and public references. While those specific items are required when assigning a CVE, there are many other optional data in the schema that can be used to enrich CVE records for community benefit.
Learn more about the CVE program at:
This CVE JSON record format is defined using JSON Schema. Learn more about JSON Schema at: .
The latest version of the record format is 5.0. It is specified in the JSON schema at
A single schema file with bundled dependencies is at
Documentation about this format is available at
A mindmap version of the CVE record structure is at
A basic example record in 5.0 format with minimally required fields is available at
An advanced example record in 5.0 format is available at
More details about Product and Version Encodings in CVE JSON 5.0 record is at