
Support multiple Ruby version

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Somebody finally needed to run Isolate locally, with a gem with a native component, under two different versions of Ruby. Support it.

This is to support working w/multiple versions of Ruby simultaneously, yes? Gem or project with native gem deps + rake multi or whatever?

I'm fine with your commits, it feels like a 2.0 since the directory structure is changing incompatibly. I'd like to clean up the rest of the API, tests and doco for a 2.0, though.

Is this something you can fake by setting path appropriately in your Isolate.gems call for the moment, or do you need a release immediately?

This exists on the unstable branch, though it may change a bit before 2.0 proper. I'm going to drop a 2.0.0.pre.0 here shortly so I can exercise things in production.