Current build does appear to work
JohnMurga opened this issue · 4 comments
Previous versions worked and were cool ...
This one does not work.
Fresh environment
git clone (Tried the ZIP also)
npm install -g nodewebkit
npm install -g typescript
npm install -g jake
npm install
Then :
$ jake default
Done creating module lib/tsworker.js
Done creating module lib/main.js
node-webkit (v0.10.5 ... I tried v0.8.6 and get a blank screen)
I get :
Uncaught node.js Error
Error: Cannot find module 'glob'
at Function.Module._resolveFilename (module.js:336:15)
at Function.Module._load (module.js:273:25)
at Module.require (module.js:362:17)
at require (module.js:378:17)
at window.require (:4:17)
at OS.File.OS.File (file:///S:/DevEnvironment/home/devUser/nw-test/cats/lib/main.js:283:24)
at Cats.OS.Cats.OS (file:///S:/DevEnvironment/home/devUser/nw-test/cats/lib/main.js:588:11)
at Cats (file:///S:/DevEnvironment/home/devUser/nw-test/cats/lib/main.js:590:7)
at file:///S:/DevEnvironment/home/devUser/nw-test/cats/lib/main.js:592:3
Adding a "node_modules" directory, and putting the NodeJs "glob" module inside gets CATS to start.
But then it appears that the default "Tango" icons are missing from "resource/qx/icon/".
So the UI is non-functional until you select the "grey" or "classic" themes.
After that things appear to work OK (I can compile and test).
Regarding glob, when you do npm install, it should install glob because it is defined within the package.json as a dependency. Will look into that (perhaps should do some more builds from scratch myself to validate this stuff still working).
Regarding the icons, correct that I didn’t include Tango due to huge size of these icon themes. It used to work ok when I still used the old directory structure (so all themes use the Oxygen icon theme), but somehow with recent changes the Tango ones stopped working. Perhaps time to include also tango, but only the icons that are really being used instead of "all thousands of them"
On 04 Oct 2014, at 18:40, JohnMurga wrote:
Adding a "node_modules" directory, and putting the NodeJs "glob" module inside gets CATS to start.
But then it appears that the default "Tango" icons are missing from "resource/qx/icon/".
So the UI is non-functional until you select the "grey" or "classic" themes.
After that things appear to work OK (I can compile and test).
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Re : Glob ... I saw that, but for some reason it didn't seem to do it for me.
It was late, so I may have done something wrong in that regard.
Thanks and keep up the good work ;-)
Did a quick build test, and I guess something must have gone wrong with the npm install on your side, because here it did download glob module.
In the latest version on the main branch I fixed the icon issue (by pointing it to the Oxygen icons).
BTW, thanks for checking it out and reporting the issues, much appreciated.
On 05 Oct 2014, at 09:10, JohnMurga wrote:
Re : Blob ... I saw that, but for some reason it didn't seem to do it for me.
It was late, so I may have done something wrong in that regard.
Thanks and keep up the good work ;-)
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