
WeakEventManager does not support Xamarin.Forms, MAUI, UWP, WinUI, Blazor

jbe2277 opened this issue · 1 comments

The sample applications use the WeakEventManager or a derived class. This .NET weak event implementation works only for WPF. As a result these applications cannot be easily ported to another application model (e.g. Xamarin Forms).

Additionally, WAF contain some implementations twice. One without weak event support (.NET Standard 2.0) and one with weak event support (WPF).

Name Assembly Description
SynchronizingCollectionCore System.Waf.Core No weak event support
SynchronizingCollection System.Waf.Wpf Subscribe with weak event
ObservableListViewCore System.Waf.Core No weak event support
ObservableListView System.Waf.Wpf Subscribe with weak event

Two .NET Issues request a generic weak event support for .NET

System.Waf.Core 6.1 introduces the WeakEvent class.

See Weak Event wiki page for more details.