Binary packed network addresses
jbenet opened this issue · 3 comments
jbenet commented
Consider url network addresses like:
How best to binary pack them? Is there a standard for this? These should be storable in 7 bytes for IPv4 (not 20), and 19 bytes for ipv6 (not 35).
If not, perhaps:
<1 byte proto><4 or 16 byte ip><2 byte port>
Or, if we want encapsulation generality:
(<1 byte proto><n byte addr>)+
<1 byte ipv4 code><4 byte ipv4 addr><1 byte udp code><2 byte udp port>
<1 byte ipv6 code><16 byte ipv6 addr><1 byte tcp code><2 byte tcp port>
Which is nice, because it stacks well.
Back-translating with a better hierarchical approach (let's not get too crazy now...) gives us:
(/<addr str code>/<addr str rep>)+
/ip4/<ipv4 str addr>/udp/<udp int port>
/ip6/<ipv6 str addr>/tcp/<tcp int port>
Rather than:
udp4://<ipv4 addr>:<udp port>
tcp6://[<ipv6 addr>]:<tcp port>
jbenet commented
Bittorrent just concats ip + port:
It doesn't handle protocol at all, try both tcp + udp.
jbenet commented
Fleshed out the node api:
jbenet commented
Implemented + published on npm.