Location of canonical repository?
torarnv opened this issue · 1 comments
The README mentions https://github.com/jbeverly/pam_ssh_agent_auth-2.0 as the new home for pam_ssh_agent_auth
, but hasn't been updated since 2016. While this repo seems to have activity. Should the former be archived and the readme updated?
I would also very much like to see an update of the upstream project. The Debian package on https://tracker.debian.org/pam-ssh-agent-auth got several patches that could be included into a new upstream release, and there are several feature requests in the debian bug tracker. In addition to the two github repos, there is also a Sourceforge repo linked to from https://pamsshagentauth.sourceforge.net/, ie https://sourceforge.net/projects/pamsshagentauth/ .
It is confusing to know which one to use for a new Debian release.