
How to define my own LoginView friendly without changing the source code of mama_cas views.py?

gmdzy2010 opened this issue · 2 comments

I chosed the mama_cas as a cas server, and i want to do some additional actions using oauth when a login request was passed to the cas server, like so:

STEP 1. A login request from cas client to cas server(mama_cas)
STEP 2. An OAuth request from mama_cas to some other site, to get the protected userinfo
STEP 3. mama_cas response the attributes from the User model and the protected userinfo as s whole, response to the cas client.

the question is: Can I did this without changing the source code of mama_cas?

Thx everyone!

Is there any signals?

Hi @gmdzy2010, this is a late reply, but you may use callbacks to accomplish it.