Restore remote data inplace with deduplication or rsync algorithm
oderwat opened this issue · 1 comments
Using Attic to snapshot multiple GB of data to a remote server leaves me with the problem that restoring the data to a former state needs a full extraction of all data traveling the network.
I could extract on the remote server and then rsync the data back to the source but that would need full extraction (time and space) and also decodes the backup data on the remote server which renders the AES kinda obsolete.
My current best options seems to mount the data on the remote and then use rsync with that. But this needs the secret key on the backup server which I would like to avoid. It also introduces multiple points of failure and complexity.
What about having an extract mode which uses the already existing local data for an in place diff recovery? This could make it pretty cheap to restore to an older state!
I guess this could be one with the existing de-duplication algorithm as it is kinda "reverse backup".
Interesting idea!