
jb-ssid: dependency of itop-request-mgmt-itil

jaroslavsafranek opened this issue · 5 comments

Type: issue

Version info:

iTop version 2.7.0-beta2-5120 built on 2020-01-29 12:01:24
Data model: 2.7.0-beta2
MySQL: 10.1.41-MariaDB-0+deb9u1
PHP: 7.2.27-1+0

  • Extension (if applicable):

I try your data model jb-ssid install on our instance of iTop and I see this:

The following modules have unmet dependencies: Datamodel: SSID - wireless networks documentation (id: jb-ssid/2.6.200123) depends on itop-request-mgmt-itil/2.6.0

I know that our version is 2.7, but I think that problem is about using itop-request-mgmt (simple request managmet).
Can you try fix it for using both: simple and ITIL?

Thanks Jaroslav

One way to achieve this is to use the || operator.
Example :

		'dependencies' => array(

This is used in numerous Combodo modules : Dispatch of User Request, SLA computation with coverage windows for UserRequest and Incidents, Approval light (on user requests), ...

I have yet to check if there are any downsides, for now I removed the dependency completely.

I don't recall why the dependency is, if it's a leftover from a copy-paste job or from an original idea.