
is there any way to control the max number of tags?

Closed this issue · 3 comments

right now it looks like all of them are being rendered. i would like to limit this somehow.


You are right, there is no way right now to do that but it is simple to implement with the strategy configuration.

I will add this evening a strategy to limit the number of tag in the cloud.

Thanks for pointing that out.
I will keep you posted on the updates.

Have a nice day

I created a 1.1 release version with the function.

You have to change the configuration :

    max_number: 5
        - jb_sculpin.tag_cloud.strategy.shuffle
        - jb_sculpin.tag_cloud.strategy.percent_size
        - jb_sculpin.tag_cloud.strategy.max_number

This will limit the number of displayed tag to 5 after applying the shuffle and percent size strategy.

Do not hesitate if you meet any issue

this is awesome thanks man!