
Access Denied using Machine to machine app from auth0

Luis92pe opened this issue · 2 comments

I have the following error: when I create an app in auth0 of type 'machine to machine' the method getToken I return a 401 with access denied. On the other hand, if I use a 'native' type app if it works for me, why is this?

If I recall correctly, 'machine to machine' is intended for backend services speaking to other backend services. Think of a Node/Express app that services a frontend SPA by calling internal Java microservices - that would be a machine-to-machine transaction. M2M apps have quite a different authentication flow.

You can find a listing of application types and their intended use-cases here.

I will add a line to the README telling users to set up their apps as the 'native' type.

mm ok ok, I understand. Thanks for the clarification.