
Very nice board...this has serious potential.

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Question, can you or someone make a couple different front ends? I would love something that resembles the traditional old school php boards :)

Nice board! Ran into slight probs installing, chatgpt told me the things i needed to install, so install is easy , A+ for that! Would love to make this look like a traditional ib like tinyib or something. This board is amazing-- best ive ever seen.

i was on ubuntu 24.04 server - had to get off rust nightly build- that does NOT work for installing this, you have to get on the reg stable build of rust.
rustup install stable
rustup default stable
rustup override set stable

After that, i had to install
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install pkg-config
sudo apt-get install libmagic-dev
sudo apt-get install libssl-dev

And BAM - board is set up and works fine. Amazing to see a high performance board so easy to set up- best ive ever seen. Superior to vichan lynxchan jschan or https://usagi.reisen/ the golang ib, Again, in comparison to others, VERY nice work... this one will be huge when people discover it.

Thanks for the feedback!!

The next two months will be very busy for me, so I doubt there will be any commits here until August at least (the project is 90% done, anyways). You can also simply write your own frontend in the meantime - copy the default one and change html/css to your liking. Keep all handlebars blocks in place, though.

Regarding nightly Rust: I never used it, so I guess that installation caveat slipped past me. Will include that in README real quick