This repository contains a WBC DFA attack implementation.
Differential fault analysis (DFA) is a type of side channel attack in the field of cryptography, specifically cryptanalysis. The principle is to induce faults—unexpected environmental conditions—into cryptographic implementations, to reveal their internal states.
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
In order to perform a DFA attack, it's needed to provide some traces.
- The first trace will be the correct output of the WBC (without a fault).
- All the other traces will be the outputs of the WBC with faults (the more, the better).
Example of the traces:
- Every 4 bytes represents one column of the output.
Execute the dfa script with Python3 and specify the output file.
python3 outputs_DFA.dat [limit] [-log]
- [limit]: Specifies how many candidates are needed for the DFA (0 by default).
- [-log]: Specifies if you want to write all the candidates inside a file.
This example is performed using the outputs_DFA_AES128.dat file.
python3 outputs_DFA.dat 100000 -log
The tool will do the next output:
[DFA] Trace file selected: outputs_DFA_AES128.dat.
[DFA] Candidates needed: 0.
[DFA] Logging enabled.
[DFA] Starting thread for target [(0, 0), (1, 3), (2, 2), (3, 1)].
[DFA] Starting thread for target [(0, 1), (1, 0), (2, 3), (3, 2)].
[DFA] Starting thread for target [(0, 2), (1, 1), (2, 0), (3, 3)].
[DFA] Starting thread for target [(0, 3), (1, 2), (2, 1), (3, 0)].
[DFA] SubKey10.
[['0x22' '0xf4' '0x32' '0xfa']
['0xf1' '0x79' '0x12' '0x8e']
['0xc' '0x86' '0x14' '0xe1']
['0x20' '0x12' '0x4' '0x20']]
[DFA] MasterKey.
[['0xca' '0xfe' '0xba' '0xbe']
['0xde' '0xad' '0xbe' '0xef']
['0xca' '0xfe' '0xba' '0xbe']
['0xde' '0xad' '0xbe' '0xef']]
The SubKey10 and MasterKey will be printed.
Finish CCA implementation.
A project inspired by:
- Differential Fault Analysis on A.E.S.
- People breaking WBC implementations.