
Smart key hook ๐Ÿ”‘

jcallaghan opened this issue ยท 2 comments


I'm not yet comfortable with smart locks. I'm also quite particular about following a routine. In my world, if the key is in the door then the likely hood of the door being open is high. I also don't have the greatest memory recently and I've left the key in the door lock too many times recently. I've often let my mind run off with how I could solve this. Whatever the solution it had to look good, be unobtrusive and not change the behaviour of a lifetime. After various far-out ideas in my head, one evening it just clicked. I could use a door contact sensor and leverage a magnet on the keys to replicate the work of a hook and make a smart key hook which could notify me if the keys were on the hook or not. My intention is to have one of these for each of the keys to the external doors as well as for each family members set of house and car keys.

With the addition of sensors I already have on doors and windows, I am also able to send a text-to-speech message if a door closed and the keys weren't placed on the hook after a few minutes.



Share my automation and build instructions for my smart key hook.




  • Share automation with TTS
  • Share Lovelace and customise changes
  • Blog post/video
  • Returned home and key not returned i.e. it could still be in the door