
r.apps is not a valid method

Closed this issue · 9 comments

The examples mention a r.apps method, which doesn't seem to work.

apps is actually a property, so it should be invoked as r.apps instead of r.apps(). Do you have some example code that would show the issue you've come across?

I can't even make

import roku

r = roku.Roku('')
apps = r.apps

work. Is it an incompatibility with certain roku boxes?

Huh. Maybe. Does it throw an error or does apps just return an empty list?

Throws an error from line 84 in

def __getattr__(self, name):

    if name not in COMMANDS and name not in SENSORS:
        raise AttributeError('%s is not a valid method' % name)

And just for reference, are you using Python 2 or 3?

Python 2. Other things that might matter but don't think so- running through pythonista on iOS. I replaced the import of lxml with xml, because I read the etree functions are basically the same. If this is the issue, I'll feel pretty stupid.

I did get this to work on the same device with someone else's roku, still replacing lxml with xml. I assume it's an incompatibility with my Roku.

Is the code not supposed to be

from roku import Roku
r = Roku(ip)

Fixed in #36