
Unable to read multiple MODIFY records in single file

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Thanks for this project, it helped me out a lot.
I ran into this issue with our specific data set and made changes to accomodate

Example - these are two distinct change-modify entries. LdifHelper fails to pick these up, and throws an exception while reading.

dn: CN=Ada Lovelace,OU=users,DC=company,DC=com
changetype: modify
add: description
description: another updated description

dn: CN=Niklaus Wirth,OU=users,DC=company,DC=com
changetype: modify
add: description
description: description update

#2 was opened for this

The spec states the following for a modify change type, known as a mod-spec:

change-modify            = "modify"             SEP *mod-spec
mod-spec                 = ("add:" / "delete:" / "replace:")
                           FILL AttributeDescription SEP
                           "-" SEP

A modify statement(s) begins and ends with a SEP character, and does not allow for a newline between consecutive mod-spec statements in the same changerecord.

As a result, the exception you receive is due to noncompliant input.