
Can someone test Mac compatibility?

jcaw opened this issue · 2 comments

jcaw commented

I don't have access to a Mac. pywal, the engine that drives the theme application, does work on MacOS (using iTerm 2). theme-magic should work on MacOS, but I can't test it.

If anyone could test the package on Mac and let me know if it works, it would be most appreciated.

Tested this on macOS 10.14.
As far as I can tell, everything works perfectly.
Installed pywal, ran theme-magic-from-emacs, all iTerm sessions instantly updated to the newly generated colour scheme.

iTerm did go back to its original colour scheme after closing/reopening it, but running wal -R also correctly restores the scheme generated by Emacs.

Loving this package, will definitely use it on my Linux machine at home.

jcaw commented

Nice! Thanks very much!