
Last.fm Scrobbling Broken

Closed this issue · 7 comments

I can not scrobble and haven't been able to since Last.fm switched to the beta. I tried re-authentication, but it still doesn't work. Does the extension just need to be updated to the newer URL or API or something? Or is mine messed up?

Any idea on when a fix will be looked into?

I'm looking into it, but a fix might be delayed - Last.fm's developer website has been buggy for me recently.

Fixed in 0.6.2, just published.

Hmmmm, I kept getting Authentication error pop-up after updating. Uninstalled and reinstalled and am now just getting 'scrobbling failed'.

Whoops - should be fixed in 0.6.3, publishing now.

I'm getting constant Scrobble failed errors again.

It's working on my end - try disabling and re-enabling scrobbling in the settings