
SetSize //todo

dirtycajunrice opened this issue · 2 comments


Lines 443 to 445 in 675e3b9

func (w *webview) SetSize(width int, height int, hint Hint) {

Any plans on implementing this? I use go-webview2 exclusively for windows as it works much better than webview/webiew and not being able to control minimum window size via HintMin causes some issues :D

jchv commented

Truth be told, I don't remember why it's not implemented :)

I believe I ran into some difficulty making it work in pure Go. I'll try to take a look shortly.

jchv commented

Support has been added and seems to work. Reopen if you have any issues.

(Please note that this library also lacks the JS binding features of webview/webview for now as well, but I will try to find some time to re-evaluate that; it's very much possible to do, just will require jumping through a few more hoops. This was originally only meant to be a proof of concept :) )