
WebView2 error message

leaanthony opened this issue · 3 comments

This appears on the console on exit: [0925/110501.167:ERROR:window_impl.cc(114)] Failed to unregister class Chrome_WidgetWin_0. Error = 0

There's a few references to it but the most specific I can find is this PR from 2012. It can probably safely ignored?

jchv commented

Interesting. I agree it can almost certainly be safely ignored, as all of the classes that are registered in a process are freed when the process exits. However, this might cause issues if you have an application that loads and unloads WebView2 multiple times for any reason. I assume this is not related to anything in our code. The go-winloader shenanigans only apply to the WebView2Loader shim, so I don't think that's related.

I also encountered the same problem。use wailsv2.0 beta+ vue3

that runtime error is fixed. Not sure we can do anything about the warning.