
convert_model.lua Usage

DavidFreebairn opened this issue · 2 comments

Having issues trying to use convert_model.lua to convert VGG_ILSVRC_19_layers.caffemodel to a .t7 file for use with fast_neural_style.lua.

Here is an example of my terminal command:

sudo th convert_model.lua -input_prototxt '/home/david/Deepstyle/cnn-benchmarks/VGG_ILSVRC_19_layers_deploy.prototxt' -input_caffemodel '/home/david/Deepstyle/cnn-benchmarks/VGG_ILSVRC_19_layers.caffemodel'

It seems to load and begin the process but here is an example of the error I receive:


Any help would be greatly appreciated! I can't seem to locate the /tmp directory listed (to resolve error 'cannot open <> in mode w')


You need to add the flag -output_t7 giving the path where the output should be written.

Thank you! Just added the flag as -output_t7 vgg19.t7