add googlenet results?
hengck23 opened this issue · 6 comments
Thank you very much for the results. Is there any plan to add results of gogglenet v1,v2,v3,v4? or even squeeze and caffenet (alexnet with lrn layer replaced)?
I think GoogleNet is still very well used in many cases.
It would be great if Justin could bring them in.
CaffeNet would be pretty easy to add since it can be loaded into torch with loadcaffe.
GoogLeNet v1 is doable using soumith/inception.torch and v3 from Moodstocks/inception-v3.torch; I'm not aware of any Torch port of v2 or v4.
I will try and add these benchmarks this weekend.
@jcjohnson Have you had a chance to benchmark Inception v1 (GoogLeNet) and Inception v3? I'm looking forward to your results if/when they become available. Thanks
@vimalthilak GoogleNet v1 is easy, but I ran into a snag with v3; they don't provide dumped weights and their weight-dumping script depends on TensorFlow; I opened an issue but haven't gotten a response (Moodstocks/inception-v3.torch#7).
I wasted several hours trying to build TensorFlow from source to support CUDA 8.0 RC so I could use my Pascal Titan X, but couldn't get it to work and gave up.
If someone can provide the dumped weights for GoogLeNet v3 then I can add both benchmarks tomorrow.
@vimalthilak I've added Inception-v1 results.
Hi, I have the dumped Torch file of inception v3 ( Hope that you can add it as the benchmark.