
requirements.txt installation: "no such file or directory"

Wrongful opened this issue · 4 comments

I'm trying to get this program to work, and after much frustration with the installation of the required packages, I think I finally have installed everything I need except for the requirements file. I preformed the instructions that were there, but they didn't work due to "no such file or directory" existing.
I have downloaded the zip file for this program, so I have the requirements.txt file on my desktop, so where do I put it for the program to know it's there?
(I'm new to Ubuntu, sorry if this is obvious.)

The installation instructions assume you are in the directory that you cloned this repo to. So:

git clone git@github.com:jcjohnson/torch-rnn.git ~/torch-rnn
cd ~/torch-rnn
# proceed as before

Thank you for the help, it appears to be working, but...
Permission denied (publickey). fatal: Could not read from remote repository. Please make sure you have correct access rights and the repository exists.
I'm sure I spelled everything right, so it must be the access rights. How do I solve this?
(This is all newbie stuff, isn't it...)
EDIT: I fixed it. You should acctually be doing

git clone https://github.com/jcjohnson/torch-rnn.git ~/torch-rnn

rather than...

git clone git@github.com:jcjohnson/torch-rnn.git ~/torch-rnn


Sorry yep, I gave you the wrong URL

Marking this as solved.