
Bot posting updates multiple times

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Since 20th of November for me, the bot posts updates to my server multiple times:

jckli commented

November 20th, I tried to fix the error, which turns out was due to mangaupdates.com sending me different urls occasionally. That one was fixed (I believe at least)

I actually did not know about the multi updating for yesterday and today. Thanks for the issue. I will start debugging as soon as I can.

Sorry for the inconveniences. mangaupdates.com api is kinda funky and that messes up my bot. Will update here when I find out the issue.

jckli commented

It seems like it has been fixed, as I haven't seen anything about multiple updates (at least within the error logs and within my own personal manga updates). Yes, I do use the bot myself LOL

With that being said, I'm going to close this issue for now. Please open it back up again if you see anything again. Thanks!