
Update methods don't seem to work

Closed this issue · 2 comments

var db = PicoDB.Create()

db.insertOne({ a: 1 }, function (err, doc) {
  db.updateOne({ a: 1 }, { c: 'aaa' }, function (err, doc) {
    db.find({}).toArray(function (err, docs) {

=> [ { _id: '...', a: 1 } ]

I expected the inserted document to be updated with { c: 'aaa' }? Am I missing something?

FYI - using the 0.8.1 version from npm


jclo commented

I introduced a regression on the update method when a doc. is replaced by a new one (no operator). It is fixed in 0.8.2.

Thanks @jclo - can confirm this now works.

Great work BTW.