
Vignettes without installing the package?

Closed this issue · 2 comments


Thanks for your hard work. I was wondering if you have your Vignettes online somewhere, instead of I would have to install your package to do that?




not for now unfortunately.

On the github, you can go through the vignettes directory and look at the BulkSignalR.Rmd file to explore the vignette, but that is not the more readable format.

As you said, you need to install the package as it is described in the readme.md file. Then , you will be available to explore the vignette as a normal html file in your browser.

Hope this helps.


Thank you for your prompt reply. It does help. Also, just quickly mentioning that pkgdown can help you set up a website that displays all the references and vignettes with a couple of lines of code within minutes. Just for your information.

Again, thank you!