
Elixir configuration module that simplifies access to environment variables

Primary LanguageElixirOtherNOASSERTION


Helper configuration module for Elixir that simplifies access to OS environment variables.


The AppConfig module contains a macro that adds the following functions to the module where it is called:

def fetch_env(key) :: {:ok, value} | :error
def fetch_env!(key) :: value | no_return
def get_env(key, value | nil) :: value
def get_env_boolean(key, boolean | nil) :: boolean | nil
def get_env_integer(key, integer | nil) :: integer | nil
def get_env_float(key, float | nil) :: float | nil

These functions fetch values from an application's environment or from operating system (OS) environment variables. The values will be retrieved from OS environment variables when the following expression is assigned to a configuration parameter on the application's configuration:

{:system, "VAR"}

An optional default value can be returned when the environment variable is not set to a specific value by using the following format:

{:system, "VAR", "default"}

The AppConfig module is normally used from within the module that implements the Application behaviour or from one used to access configuration values, and has to be defined in the following way:

defmodule MyConfig do
  use AppConfig, otp_app: :my_app
  # [...]

The app argument contains the name of the application where the functions (added by the macro from the AppConfig module) will look for configuration parameters.


The package can be installed by adding app_config to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
  [{:app_config, "~> 0.1.0"}]

Documentation can be generated with ExDoc by running:

mix docs

The docs can also be found at https://hexdocs.pm/app_config.


Given the following application configuration:

config :my_app,
  db_host: {:system, "DB_HOST", "localhost"},
  db_port: {:system, "DB_PORT", "5432"}
  db_user: {:system, "DB_USER"},
  db_password: {:system, "DB_PASSWORD"},
  db_name: "my_database"

And the following environment variables:

export DB_USER="my_user"
export DB_PASSWORD="guess_me"

And assuming that the MyConfig module is using the AppConfig macro, then the following expressions used to retrieve the values of the parameters would be valid:

"localhost" = MyConfig.get_env(:db_host)
5432 = MyConfig.get_env_integer(:db_port)
{:ok, "my_user"} = MyConfig.fetch_env(:db_user)
"guess_me" = MyConfig.fetch_env!(:db_password)
"my_database" = MyConfig.get_env(:db_name, "unknown")

The key can also be a list of atoms. The examples above could be converted to the following format using a key that is actually a list:

config :my_app, My.Database,
  host: {:system, "DB_HOST", "localhost"},
  port: {:system, "DB_PORT", 5432}
  user: {:system, "DB_USER"},
  password: {:system, "DB_PASSWORD"},
  name: "my_database",
  retry_interval: {:system, "DB_RETRY_INTERVAL", 0.5}
  replication: {:system, "DB_REPLICATION", false}

To retrieve the values, you'd then use the following code:

"localhost" = MyConfig.get_env([My.Database, :host])
5432 = MyConfig.get_env_integer([My.Database, :port])
{:ok, "my_user"} = MyConfig.fetch_env([My.Database, :user])
"guess_me" = MyConfig.fetch_env!([My.Database, :password])
"my_database" = MyConfig.get_env([My.Database, :name], "unknown")

Most functions from the AppConfig module can also be called without using its macro. To do so, just call the functions directly by passing the application's name as the first argument. e.g.

AppConfig.get_env(:my_app, :db_host)

This module will come in handy especially when retrieving configuration values for applications running within Elixir/Erlang releases, as it simplifies the retrieval of values that were not defined when the release was built (i.e. at compile-time) from OS environment variables.