
0.2.0 doesn't work anymore

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hi there,

Updated to 0.2.0 and now it doesn't work anymore. Changed the secure to tls with tlsoption and at least now it can sign in to email again but not into the mailbox (it that makes any sense).

0.2.0 shows:
Express server listening on port 3000
28 Mar 16:35:42 - no new mail in INBOX

0.1.1 shows:
Express server listening on port 3000
28 Mar 16:35:41 - successfully opened mail box
28 Mar 16:35:42 - no new mail in INBOX

0.1.1 successfully fetches emails and parses them where as 0.2.0 does nothing. No erros anywhere to be seen.

In 0.2.0 message 'successfully opened mail box' is no more. Check if you have 'INBOX' catalog/box on your email account. If your main catalog with emails is not 'INBOX' pass its name in options as new Notifier({box: 'Box name'});
If that doesn't help check if email that you want to parse are marked as Unseen if not pass an array to 'search' option. For full list of flags go to https://github.com/mscdex/node-imap and look for search criteria

Yep that worked. Thank you.