
Announce your favorite Media state in the media browser

ranetto opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi, as you surely know, by adding a media as a favorite from the media browser, a check is activated in the menu which lets us understand that this media has been chosen as a favorite. There is also the possibility in reaper, which I use, to ensure that the favorite media are always at the beginning of the media list before everything else. Could we make it dare to announce when a media has been marked as favorite?
I added the alt command plus the letter P to the action that makes it preferred, which makes its addition even more immediate.
Thank you!

Alt+P is already bound to "Options: Preserve pitch when tempo-matching or changing play rate". It aligns nicely with other actions around tempo matching, auto-play etc, I don't think we should change that binding.
What's the exact name of the action you've added? Maybe we can put it somewhere else.