
Project Job Token Scopes requests result in 404.

Closed this issue · 2 comments


  • Node.js version: 20.18.0
  • Gitbeaker version: 41.3.0
  • Gitbeaker release (cli, rest, core, requester-utils): rest
  • OS & version: MacOS 14.7.1

Trying to call ProjectJobTokenScopes.addToInboundAllowList results in not found.

req Request { 
  method: 'POST', 
  url: 'https://gitlab.com/api/v4/sourceProjectId/job_token_scope/allowlist', 
  headers: Headers {
     'content-type': 'application/json',
     'private-token': '<token>'
   destination: '',
   referrer: 'about:client',
   referrerPolicy: '',
   mode: 'cors',
   credentials: 'same-origin',
   cache: 'default',
   redirect: 'follow',
   integrity: '',
   keepalive: false, 
   isReloadNavigation: false,
   isHistoryNavigation: false,
   signal: AbortSignal { aborted: false } 

file:///Users/*******/node_modules/@gitbeaker/rest/dist/index.mjs:41   throw new GitbeakerRequestError(response.statusText, { 
 GitbeakerRequestError: Not Found

Steps to reproduce

Please find example script attached. This example takes in two known project ids and tries to add the target projectId to the allowlist of the source project. (obviously will require being manually replace in the code snippet)

import { Gitlab } from '@gitbeaker/rest'; 
     throw Error('GITLAB_PROJECT_ACCESS_TOKEN not set');
const api = new Gitlab({
     token: process.env.GITLAB_PROJECT_ACCESS_TOKEN, }); 
export const main = async () => {
     try {
         await api.ProjectJobTokenScopes.addToInboundAllowList("sourceProjectId", "targetProjectId")
     } catch (e: any) {
         console.log("req", e.cause.request)
         throw e

Expected behaviour

Should add the targetProjectId to the source project allow list. As outlined here:

Actual behaviour

Possible fixes
Looks like the implementation of the ProjectJobTokenScopes Resource is excluding projects from the path for example: here


should become:



  • I have checked that this is not a duplicate issue.
  • I have read the documentation.

Typo on my end after doing a refactor earlier this year! Ill fix this up

🚀 Issue was released in 42.0.0 🚀