Add git tools
Opened this issue · 1 comments
jdarwood007 commented
Add git information. Add a way to select what packages we want to see git status for
I already do this on my git checkout for SMF
I should add a sections saying "clean" or "modified" to indicate if files are all clean or modified. Should be easy enough with checking the git status --porcelain
This will require shell_exec permissions.
jdarwood007 commented
Keeping track of my current notes.
The current method is add to Settings.php:
define('GITSITE', dirname(__FILE__));
Then smf_git_info.php
function __pseudo_smf_git_handle()
$contents = ob_get_contents();
if (defined('GITSITE') && php_sapi_name() != 'cli')
// Current branch
$smf_git_current_branch = rtrim(shell_exec("git status | grep 'On branch' | awk '{print $3}'") ?? '');
$smf_git_current_revision = rtrim(shell_exec('git log -n1 | grep -E \'^commit [A-Za-z0-9]{40}$\' | awk \'{print $2}\'') ?? '');
$smf_git_modified_files = rtrim(shell_exec('git status --porcelain') ?? '');
$contents = preg_replace('~Simple Machines</a></li>~i', 'Simple Machines</a></li>
<li class="smalltext">SMF [Git Branch: ' . $smf_git_current_branch . ' | Git Revision: ' . substr($smf_git_current_revision, -7) . ' | ' . (!empty($smf_git_modified_files) ? 'Modified Files' : 'Clean Files') . ']</li>', $contents);
echo $contents;
Will need cleanup for going into tools.