
Ask Stephane about if 'name' correlates to 'name' column in user table or 'login'

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Ask Stephane about if 'name' in event['data']['actor']['name'] correlates to 'name' column in user table or 'login' ... location is hull_event_handler.rb

        if user_login
          # OLD: event['data']['actor']['login'] didn't work - check with Stephane to make sure 'name' will always be login: value
          # Changed login: to name: and it works
          commenter   = User.where(name: event['data']['actor']['name']).first rescue nil
          content     = event['data']['object']['description'] rescue nil
          Notifications.delay.new_comment(recipient, commenter, content)

Stephane said:

It corresponds to the name of your user, that's pulled originally from its Github profile when he signed up.
If you need the github profile, it's available under event['data']['actor']['identities']