
Reddit Suggestion for the Future - adding messaging for partners

Opened this issue · 1 comments

We wouldn't add anything complicated since there are services that provide this already. But it might be a nice way to keep users connected to our site in the future if they have a simple tool like this. http://www.reddit.com/r/SideProject/comments/1j3skl/find_a_pair_programming_buddy_looking_for_beta/

[–]jabbajac 1 point 9 days ago
Totally! To me programming isn't something I need to sit next to someone for. If anything we're probably working on different portions of code at the same time. I've actually had a similar experience working with a roommate on a programming project over a break. We kept our code synced and then just kept in contact with email or messaging. I think that would be pretty cool for you guys to add some sort of messaging ability so partners can keep up with what the other is doing and maybe discuss new features as well.