
Doxygen code documentation

Opened this issue · 2 comments

It would be nice if the code documentation was compatible with the Doxygen code documentation guidelines. For more info, see http://www.stack.nl/~dimitri/doxygen/manual/index.html
This should contain these three steps.

Step 1

Document all files, including the functions.

  • Animations/Fill.h
  • Animations/src/Fill.c
  • CubeControl/Colours.h
  • CubeControl/CubeControlData.h
  • CubeControl/LayerControl.h
  • CubeControl/LedCube.h
  • CubeControl/LedDriver.h
  • CubeControl/PanelControl.h
  • CubeControl/src/CubeControlData.c
  • CubeControl/src/LayerControl.c
  • CubeControl/src/LedCube.c
  • CubeControl/src/LedDriver.c
  • CubeControl/src/PanelControl.c
  • LibraryFiles/BitOperations.h
  • LibraryFiles/Buzzer.h
  • LibraryFiles/Debug.h
  • LibraryFiles/Delay.h
  • getPICConfigurationBits.h
  • LibraryFiles/Interrupts.h
  • LibraryFiles/IOPorts.h
  • LibraryFiles/Macro.h
  • LibraryFiles/MyAssert.h
  • LibraryFiles/PeripheralPinSelect.h
  • LibraryFiles/Ports.h
  • LibraryFiles/SwFifoBuffer.h
  • LibraryFiles/System.h
  • LibraryFiles/Uart.h
  • LibraryFiles/src/BitOperations.c
  • LibraryFiles/src/Buzzer.c
  • LibraryFiles/src/getPICConfigurationBits.c
  • LibraryFiles/src/IOPorts.c
  • LibraryFiles/src/SwFifoBuffer.c
  • LibraryFiles/src/System.c
  • LibraryFiles/src/Uart.c
  • src/main.c
  • Visualisation/LedCubeVisualisation.h
  • Visualisation/src/LedCubeVisualisation.c
  • version.h

Step 2

Change the templates to be compatible with the Doxygen code documentation guidelines as well.

  • C Source File
  • C Main File
  • C Header File
  • C++ Source File
  • C++ Main File
  • C++ Header File
  • C++ Class
  • class.h

Step 3

Use consistent layout in all files for functions, declarations, everything. See some coding guidelines on the internet to determine which coding guideline to use.

  • Animations/Fill.h
  • Animations/src/Fill.c
  • CubeControl/Colours.h
  • CubeControl/CubeControlData.h
  • CubeControl/LayerControl.h
  • CubeControl/LedCube.h
  • CubeControl/LedDriver.h
  • CubeControl/PanelControl.h
  • CubeControl/src/CubeControlData.c
  • CubeControl/src/LayerControl.c
  • CubeControl/src/LedCube.c
  • CubeControl/src/LedDriver.c
  • CubeControl/src/PanelControl.c
  • LibraryFiles/BitOperations.h
  • LibraryFiles/Buzzer.h
  • LibraryFiles/Debug.h
  • LibraryFiles/Delay.h
  • getPICConfigurationBits.h
  • LibraryFiles/Interrupts.h
  • LibraryFiles/IOPorts.h
  • LibraryFiles/Macro.h
  • LibraryFiles/MyAssert.h
  • LibraryFiles/PeripheralPinSelect.h
  • LibraryFiles/Ports.h
  • LibraryFiles/SwFifoBuffer.h
  • LibraryFiles/System.h
  • LibraryFiles/Uart.h
  • LibraryFiles/src/BitOperations.c
  • LibraryFiles/src/Buzzer.c
  • LibraryFiles/src/getPICConfigurationBits.c
  • LibraryFiles/src/IOPorts.c
  • LibraryFiles/src/SwFifoBuffer.c
  • LibraryFiles/src/System.c
  • LibraryFiles/src/Uart.c
  • src/main.c
  • Visualisation/LedCubeVisualisation.h
  • Visualisation/src/LedCubeVisualisation.c
  • version.h

Skipping files BitOperations.c and BitOperations.h because I'm currently working on adjusting and expanding those files on a different project.
Also skipping MyAssert.h because that file is going to be rewritten in the near future.

Except BitOperations because those will be adjusted and updated later. Also in a different dedicated project.