
TS29520_Nnwdaf_AnalyticsInfo.yaml uses complex types in query parameters with GET

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I'm a little bit confused about the approach to have a GET request with query parameters as complex types.

Usually, resource and sub-resource identifiers are passed as path params and query are used for filtering, sorting, etc. Most endpoints under this API are actually "searches", with complex types. The recommendation here is to use POST and the query is passed in the body and it can be as complex as it needs to be.

Most clients would have "problems" (there is no default support for complex types in query parameters) and they would have to either generate JSON before setting the parameter or hopefully the client library has support to handle this. For example, Jersey has no default support, but you can plug in an extension point to convert complex types to JSON.

Even if encoding the request is not a problem, you can hit the GET URI limit since the URI will be huge with all those JSON objects...not to mention the horror in the web container logs ;)