
5GC_APIs/master/TS29505_Subscription_Data.yaml - Event Exposure Group Subscriptions (Document) title is missing

kpopovic opened this issue · 2 comments

Event Exposure Group Subscriptions (Collection) - title tag exists

Event Exposure Group Subscriptions (Document) - title tag doesn't exists
PUT ​/subscription-data​/group-data​/{ueGroupId}​/ee-subscriptions​/{subsId}
DELETE ​/subscription-data​/group-data​/{ueGroupId}​/ee-subscriptions​/{subsId}
PATCH ​/subscription-data​/group-data​/{ueGroupId}​/ee-subscriptions​/{subsId}
GET ​/subscription-data​/group-data​/{ueGroupId}​/ee-subscriptions​/{subsId}

currently those 4 http methods are defined in Event Exposure Subscription (Document) which depends to ueId.

thanks for reporting, @kpopovic; i'll make sure this is fixed in the next Working Group meeting, in August.
I'll leave the issue open until then.

Closing the issue, since this was fixed in last 3GPP meeting.