No INFO or not a tar file, file is set as ignored.
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All my packages are getting set to ignored for the following error below:
Cannot extract INFO for sickrage-dev_hi3535-6.1_9.4.212.dev14-1.spk: Quatantined sickrage-dev_hi3535-6.1_9.4.212.dev14-1.spk: No INFO or not a tar file" filename=sickrage-dev_hi3535-6.1_9.4.212.dev14-1.spk module=/src/handler/v1/v1.go
Running file on that package comes back with file sickrage-dev_88f6281-6.1_9.4.212.dev14-1.spk sickrage-dev_88f6281-6.1_9.4.212.dev14-1.spk: POSIX tar archive (GNU)
Please help, not sure what's causing this issue as the INFO file is present in the tar archive
So I think this might be what is causing it below:
read /home/user/gosspks/packages/sickrage-dev_hi3535-6.1_9.4.212.dev9-1.spk: is a directory
Not sure why it would think its a folder
Resolved, was the way I was mirroring the files from S3 storage, thanks!