
Feature request - add S3 storage support for images

echel0n opened this issue · 3 comments

It would be really awesome if there was support for Amazon or Minio S3 storage support, is this something that can be done ?


jdel commented

With the current model reading packages from disk it will not be a very efficient backend storage but it's not impossible.

Building the spk packages using GIT CI/CD scripts it made sense to deploy the packages then to S3 storage, however, since I run gosspks in a Kubernetes cluster I've had to create a init container that then copies the images back from S3 and into the file system, this has created longer startup times and since the file system itself is memory-based it also consumes more resources than needed.

As you can see if you are able to support S3 storage then this would eliminate that last step altogether and make things more cloud-friendly.

Just thought I'd share more as to why something like this would benefit others as well.

septs commented

If can supports AWS S3 + AWS Serverless, i think can reduce ops cost.