How to iterate through all tables?
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I have a use case where I would need to loop over all root-level tables to check whether each table contains a certain key. Currently this doesn't seem to be possible.
I was previously using YamlSwift, where this was possible using the dictionary
for (key, value) in yaml.dictionary! {
if let property = value["property"] {
// use `key` and `property`
It would be nice to have something similar in swift-toml, for example:
for (tableName, table) in toml.tables {
if let property = try? table.double("property") {
// use `tableName` and `property`
I can see the use for this but it's not so straightforward to implement since swift-toml is basically storing key/values in a flat structure after it's parsed. I'm working on a function that will allow you to grab all tables beneath a given key path.
To grab all tables at the root level:
for (tableName, table) in toml.tables() { ... }
or, to get all the tables nested within table1:
for (tableName, table) in toml.tables("table1") { ... }
It will take me a day or two to get this functionality in.
Added support for iterating over all tables at a given level with tables(_: [String])
method in 85fc130 and created v0.3.0 release.
Nice, thanks!