
vimtex on Linux?

cadens07 opened this issue · 4 comments

Hi !
Thanks for your config !

I'm trying to get vimtex working.
How to compile and previewing from your configs?

jdhao commented

What is your operating system and what is your neovim version? What has gone wrong?

For setting up vimtex, see also this post.

I'm Running Archlinux.
here --> https://github.com/lervag/vimtex <-- the command \ll \lv \lk and \le working.
What's the equivalent under your configs to use vimtex ?

Plus, coulf you tell me how I can add pluggins ?
thanks for your help

jdhao commented

I do not have a linux machine on my side, so I can not test this config under Linux. In this config, I have explicitly disable vimtex on Linux, see the relevant part here. So if you want to use my config, you need to remove the if and endif block.

I haven't set any mappings (\ll, \lv etc.) for vimtex commands. So I just manually run :VimtexCompile and other commands to compile my LaTeX source file.

Also, since I do not have Linux machine, I only set up automatic viewing of the compiled PDF on Windows and Mac. If you want to do that on Linux, I am afraid you have to consult the vimtex documentation. But the configuration should be similar to that of Windows. The viewer settings of my config can be found here.

I am currently using vim-plug to install plugins, to add a plugin, you just provide the plugin GitHub repo name like the following:

Plug 'user/repo_name'

For more info on how to use vim-plug, please consult the official doc.

Ok! I Understand, from the beggiining vimtex is not installed (you mentionned "if windows or mac").
I follow yuor instruction --> Plug 'lervag/vimtex
WOrking now!
