
Auto-Fill Frequently Does Not Work From Browser Window

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Describe the bug

If I want to auto-fill a card with "gaps" from the browser window, that frequently does not work.

To Reproduce

  1. Go to "Browse"
  2. Click on any card
  3. Click on the "Hanzi" field of the card.
  4. Press "TAB"
  5. See no action, the cursor just advances to the next field.
  6. Click on the 汉字 symbol above the card
  7. Reposition the cursor in the Hanzi field.
  8. Press "TAB" again.
  9. See that still nothing happens, except that the cursor advances to the next field.

Expected behavior

The empty fields should get populated - they are being populated when I use auto-fill during "Add".


Specs (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Debian 10.3 amd64
  • Anki Version v2.1.22
  • Chinese Support Version 0.13.0

Additional context

I wanted to round out my database after adding a field to the model. As said, when I add a new card with it, the field gets filled, but when I try to use autofill on an existing card, it doesn't seem to do anything, most of the time. I haven't yet figured out when it does or does not do what it is supposed to do.

I have the same problem, it's so annoying to make cards quickly. is there any solution?

Good suggestion. I'll try to have this working in the next update.

Thanks a lot! Btw, it used to work. I don't know when it broke.