
Crash after Bulk-Fill

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Hello community,
the bug I recently got occurs when I use bulkfill with the chinese redux addon. When I hit "Tab" it will not fill my empty spaces and after approx. 1 minute the program changes into "no response" mode before I can choose to close it. What could maybe be of interest, is that when I reopen Anki, I can then "Add" a new deck and bulkfill in all the terms, I already filled in before it crashed. SO it goes like: fill word #1 --> crash --> restart Anki and add new deck --> fill word #1 (no problem) --> fill word #2 --> crash --> restart Anki and add new deck --> fill #1 and #2 (no problem) --> fill word #3 --> crash .... and so on.

Since the addon crashes a lot I've already implemented some solutions. I used the #169 bugfix (The gTTS project just released a new version 2.2.1 that fixes the google translation. Copying the new gTTS code over the one shipped in this Anki extension solved it for me. Here are the steps:)

My Specs are:

Windows 10
Anki 2.1.x
Chinese Support Redux v0.14.0

I would be super grateful for any type of help, since exams are coming closer and I really need this addon to work.

Best wishes

psii commented

Apparently, the #169 fix just recently stopped working because Google changed its service again. I found a way to mitigate this, I hope it works for you.

I followed your steps and it worked. Thank you very much for your help.
Have a great day!

Hello, unfortunately, there seemed to be an update.
I followed your steps a few days ago and all was fine, until today, I deleted the files and tried it again, but nothing worked.

Is there a way to fix that issue?
Thank you for your help so far.

Best wishes.

psii commented

@beTween1, by update do you mean Anki itself? Or the Addon?

@psii, I reinstalled the addon and followed your steps and it was working again.
Thanks for the help. :)

I have this working now. I'll upload a new version later today.