Check "unowned" by default
Closed this issue · 5 comments
The first goal of Bugs Ahoy is, I think, to help contributors find bugs to solve.
If so, it would make sens to search for unowned bug by default.
I don't know the best way to do so: checking the box, changing the value, or both. This is why I didn't make a pull request (yet ? 😉).
I guess we could flip the checkbox state and make "Bugs with owners" unchecked by default.
Actually that doesn't make sense, since that isn't filtering the results. It should probably just be checked by default.
I thought it would be harder than "just" checking the checkbox, but it is apparently not 😄
There may be a more elegant way, though.
I just remembered one reason I've avoided doing this - checking the box triggers a search for all mentored bugs with no assignee, which can be relatively slow. It's probably worth measuring the difference before merging this :<
For example, checking the box after the first load took me 26s before any results appeared. That's not going to be a good first impression.