
Cannot save file within russian name folder

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IntPtr pointer = tinyfd_saveFileDialog(sDialogTitle, sInitialPathAndFile, filterPatterns.Length, filterPatterns, sPatternDesc);

The pointer is always null when i am trying to save correpsonded file in folder which name is in russian or in any language which is not english. I was able to save file only in english named folder.

I am .Net developer and i was able to call this method through DllImport attribute

[DllImport("tinyfiledialogs", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] public static extern IntPtr tinyfd_saveFileDialog(string aTitle, string aDefaultPathAndFile, int aNumOfFilterPatterns, string[] aFilterPatterns, string aSingleFilterDescription);

jdm commented

This repository is only the Rust bindings to the tinyfiledialogs library. You should file this upstream at https://sourceforge.net/projects/tinyfiledialogs/.