
Script to add website-archive of a mindmap exported from iThoughts to a local web root.

Primary LanguageCSS


This is a bash script to collect mindmaps exported from iThoughts as website archives. It extracts the mindmap .zip archive into a subfolder of a local web root, which defaults to ~/Sites/mindmaps-site/ but can be changed at the top of the script. A link to the newly added mindmap is then added as a new list item in the index of the web root. This currently requires python Markdown to be installed, with its markdown_py script on your $PATH. This script can be automated with a Hazel rule so that mindmap exports are automatically added to the mindmaps site.

If you copy the template/ folder into the web root, the script will use a very basic html5 template for the listing.

Note: There is nothing special about the archives being iThoughts mindmaps, the only requirement is that the zip file with the website has one .html file in the root (it gets renamed to index.html since iThoughts uses a hash) and its links are all relative.